Friday, January 11, 2008

She's Crafty...

This week has been exhausting for me. I'm working 40 hours at a coffee shop, applying to Oxford, finishing up two weeks worth of classes + a final, and a myriad of miscellaneous, mundane activities not even worth a bullet-point list.

Working at the coffee shop generates insanity overflowing from a demitasse cup. It pays the bills and that's really what matters. I completed sudoku, crosswords, and the cryptoquote today during "work" because it was slow and everything else was done (I cleaned everything earlier in the week, cabinets, drawers, etc). For the record, I'm a lot better at the cryptoquote than anything else, maybe it is due to my penchant for patterns in language.

I really cannot wait for my "week off" in Boston. I have a reading list a mile long of books I've purchased, but haven't read yet. It includes:
-The Fountainhead
-Mrs. Dalloway
-Fear and Trembling
-Works of Love
-Soren Kirkegaard (A biography)
-A Hundred Years of Solitude
-Satanic Verses

It is a bit unnerving that with a degree in English, I haven't read either Virginia Woolf or Salman Rushdie. I cannot wait to enjoy getting lost in text again. Especially text not beckoning to be graded, or submitted.

Eight days until Zach is here, and counting down hours and minutes occupy the majority of my thoughts and activities.

I didn't write this, but I can relate.
Exit - Linford Detweiler
I have to leave the city now, she said,
Or dash my soul against my will instead.

I do not wish to have the quiet part of me
That once could rest (the part
That could just be) tossed
Aside and left somewhere
For dead.

Tonight it seems to me
That what some friends call energy
Is nothing more than a phenomenon of nature known as
"Incurable Whirling Disease."

Please, take me far from here, she said,
The buildings sting and echo
With the fumy cries of yellowjacket cars.

I took her hand in mine and said,
I'm thinking of a place now
Where I used to have to tell myself
Those are not clouds,
They're stars.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Intergalactic, Planetary, Planetary,...

My other blog collapsed under the weight of emotional turmoil, relationship failure, and personal defeat. Simply put, I lacked the freedom to write with complete transparency, for many reasons--now irrelevant.

I plan to chronicle my new adventures in life here, regardless how vacuous it may seem.

Cheers to better times ahead.