Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It is about time...

I lost my user name / password combination for this blog, so I went in and reset everything. Boy, was that a mess.

Quick update:

-In Boston now. Like it.
-Like my classes.
-Waiting for grad school admissions is aggravating.

Last night, I had a dream that I was back home. And I received a letter from Harvard saying that I had passed the first round, but they needed to test me further. So, a couple of people drive a big hot dog shaped bus to my parents house, while they were having a family picnic.
The Harvard employees proctoring the exam said that "most people pass this, and then they are guaranteed admission." I had to pass the first stage of questions, about how many graduate students Harvard has on campus, and names of buildings, et cetera. Then, I had to wear a headset that didn't work the first two times I tried this audio test, so I had to go give my headset back and have them re-set it.

Finally, I was able to take the test, which was to identify all the pop culture stuff I can through a multiple choice test (using a red and blue button with secondary functions). I had to identify songs (apparently by the Police and Run DMC) the middle of the test, I figure out that it was to make sure students are "well-rounded" and essentially not freakshows. So, I pass the test and I get to go to Harvard and everyone is happy.

This contrasts my last dream about Harvard admissions when I dreamt that I was rejected due to the first page of the application asking Physics questions, and the admissions committee wrote a lot of sad faces on my application.

I thought I had a great idea last night, which probably isn't a great idea. I thought if I could figure out the student formula for emails like (, then I could email myself at that domain. If they have made admissions decisions, and have sent the paperwork for email accounts to be created on the server and they have been created, then if my email doesn't come back to me = good sign. The problem is that I don't know any of the variables (like if the email accounts have been created on the server), so it really wouldn't tell me anything new, and it wouldn't make me stop being neurotic anyway because of the many flukes that could happen with email.

I generally don't fall asleep until 3 am or so because this stresses me out so much. My stomach is in knots pretty much all the time, and I'm just emotionally exhausted. 24 days until I find out, and I'm already this stressed.