Saturday, March 29, 2008

Gimme More...

This is where I'll be working for approximately six weeks this summer - Ashkelon, Israel. I've been accepted to and will be participating in the Leon Levy Expedition through Harvard University, digging and washing pottery. I'm one step closer to being the person most like Indiana Jones that you know. This week, I plan on buying a bull whip.

To give you an idea of where Ashkelon is in relation to the Gaza Strip, here is a map. Rockets by Hamas hit Ashkelon at the beginning of March this year, so that is a bit scary. Personally, I'm more worried about the plane flight for hours on end while flying over the ocean than working in Israel. I really hate flying. The four hour plane trip from Boston to the QCA was horrible enough. Ugh.

Other than that, Zach and I are now living with our friend, Scott. Long story short, the lady next door complained to the housing director at the college, and although I didn't get kicked out, I just didn't want to deal with having an obnoxious neighbor. We're living on the other side of the city now, but by the T, it is about the same amount of time everywhere.

Living with Scott is pretty fantastic. We all sit around and watch movies, and then they give me crap because I don't know as much as they think I do.

I'm currently reading "On Language" by Noam Chomsky. How I've never encountered his readings before now, I have no idea, since he is right on so many levels. Logically, my inner-monologue and overall skepticism and curiosity really seem to mirror his ideology. I hope to see him speak on Thursday, if possible.

I have money again, from working and student loans. This week, I am buying clothes., and stuff for the apartment to make it look like the inside of a Crate and Barrel. I'm very excited at this prospect. Don't let anyone fool you: having money makes you very happy. Anyone who tells you that people with more money have 'more problems' is full of shit.

Work sucks. Border's checks your bags every time you enter/leave the store. There are a million micro-managing rules that are arbitrary and make you feel like crap. I plan on staying until the dig, and then leaving--because I'm going to find a full-time job here for the rest of the year to "tide me over" until I get accepted to a PhD program (hopefully, Spring 2009).

Right now, the gay German guy next to me at the coffee house is really getting into "Don't Cha" by Pussycat Dolls that is playing overhead. Oh, crazy Boston!