Sunday, March 2, 2008

I generally do what I set out to do.

I'm still waiting for HDS. So, that title line might come back to bite me in the ass. I'm less stressed about it and haven't awakened in the middle of the night with that horrible tight feeling in my chest cavity. There are really about 12 more days until I should hear something (give or take), and I have a plan B and C lined up, so here's hoping.

I got the job at Borders. Although it isn't my ideal job, it is money. It will be a good source of income until I get settled here. I'm really okay with it being temporary, and I get to look at books every day, plus a discount. Not too bad for now, and I don't have to spend hours filling out mind-numbing applications online, especially with 25 page question and answer sections of "do you like working with people? strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree." Hazzah.

I've done a whole lot of research for my paper and tomorrow merits another trip to the library. There were some high school activities there today, so I didn't get to use any of the computers in the computer lab, and that set me back from where I wanted to be. My research right now, is being taken over with gender roles, how they are constructed, how we don't have a lot to go off of in an Ancient Near Eastern context. I think that I have to look at mythological archetypes from Babylon, Egypt, and (obviously) Ancient Israel to see what is predominant in masculine characters versus feminine characters. I've come to some results that I'm not comfortable sharing until I write my paper, have it critiqued, and present it, but suffice to say, I think it might be somewhat decent scholarship.

Tomorrow is my Hebrew test, wish me luck. The only thing that might trip up my translations would be Niphal verb forms, but really. I'm confident. I have a pretty solid grasp on this stuff. Vav Consecutives, jussives and cohortatives, pronomial suffixes, construct chains, imperfects - all basic first year stuff that I can do in my sleep. I'm actually pretty excited, as I think the test well be fun.

My face, for some reason, is dry, although I put loads of lotion on it. Yesterday, skin just started peeling and peeling. It might be ebola.

No, I don't think that is quite right...

Today, I had some chicken fingers delivered to me, because I wanted to work and not walk 15 minutes there and 15 minutes back (yes, I'm lazy). I tried giving them directions to my dorm but the guy was rude on the phone and he cut me off.

Imagine my surprise when I get a call from the delivery guy saying "I'm here." And I go downstairs, and he is nowhere to be found. I walk around the building, and he's not there. I wait for about five minutes, he's not there. I go back upstairs to get my coat, and I call him on my cell phone.

He says he is there, so I just go look for him on the other part of campus (it is a small campus). I ask him what color his car is, and then I find him. He gives me a lecture about how I need to give them better directions, and how he's going to be late for his next delivery. And I am very "stern" with him saying that I tried giving directions to the guy on the phone, who cut me off, but he didn't cut me off before ME saying that it was the "second building at the top of the hill" and the dorm's name. And that I didn't say the address was 230, because it is 210, and I am not stupid, and that I know my own address.

The guy apologized and I ended up giving him a tip anyway, because it wasn't his fault that the guy on the phone was a douchebag (maybe it was, but I doubt it).

So, thems the breaks kids. That's all I got.

1 comment:

Steaming bowl o' Calderone said...

You should set out to blog more often than IM'ing.