Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thanks, Pete.

I don't think I'm quite as lazy as other people when it comes to blogging, since my internet connection is sparse at best. I'm hoping to tether my computer with my phone, but my phone's battery is also slowly dying a painful death, so we'll see what happens.

My birthday was yesterday, and that's about it. I had classes and stuff to do, so Zach and I had cake with a friend last night.

I quit my Borders job, which officially makes it the shortest job I've had. I usually stay at a job until I have better options, regardless of how mind-numbing it is. But, when you can think of nothing positive about the job, including the paycheck, it is time to reconsider your options. My options: floating along, finishing my thesis, until I leave in a month, and then focus on getting a better job when I return.

I am attending a regional conference of the Society of Biblical Literature tomorrow. I get to meet two people that I've been in contact with, but never met addition to seeing the different professors I've talked to. It should be fun and interesting, and I'm attending the Hebrew Bible/Archaeology sections. I hope to present next year, but we'll see.

I want a puppy, but have to wait until we make the move to Cambridge before that happens (after I get back in July).

I found out that on my Israel trip, I'm going to Jerusalem, Lachish, and Masada as well. I'm also hoping to get to the Dead Sea at some point, for the experience of just floating and covering myself in the salty mud stuff, but I don't know if that will happen.

I've watched two documentaries, one called "Word Wars" about Scrabble, and one called "Word Play" about Crosswords. It was interesting to see people to naturally manipulate words like I do, though they dedicate a lot of time to memorize word lists. Maybe after I finish the GRE, I can concentrate more on other useless skills.

I've been studying for the GRE like no one's business and am actually enjoying the process. I've pretty much studied the word lists I have, and feel pretty good about the knowledge I've acquired. I'm halfway through the Algebra review and find it easy and fun. I'm hoping to get as close to perfect on each section as I can, and have a strategy in place to achieve it (I think). I think it is doable, but if I get anywhere above a 1500+ combined total, I won't have an emotional breakdown. While I'm in Israel, I'm going to review my shorthand books (I write math formulas, words I don't know, etc as a quick reference), and take a test every week, to keep me in practice and on point. When I get back, I will take the test, and hopefully reach my goal, so I can get paid to tutor the test. And get into the programs I want this time.

My car was impounded the week before last, due to registration issues. I spent all week last week trying to get it out of the impound. Approximately $500.00 later and three trips to the DMV later, I have my car back.

That's about it. Peace in the middle east, yo.


1 comment:

Steaming bowl o' Calderone said...

1. You're welcome.
2. Happy Birthday!
3. I can empathize with the job and the burden of added expenses.